The Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Recruitment: 15+ Strategies Fundraising Blog for Nonprofit, Educational, and Faith-Based Organizations

It’s true that some people don’t want to spend their volunteer hours doing what they do professionally. For example, if teaching is your profession, you might feel most comfortable and fulfilled when spending your volunteering time tutoring young students. Or, if you’re a certified public accountant, you might be willing to lend your services to a nonprofit during tax season. One of those is ensuring your organization has the resources (like volunteers!) to continue moving its mission forward. In this guide, we’ll introduce you to volunteer recruitment and its importance. Then we’ll give you the strategies you need to find volunteers who can truly make a difference to your organization’s work.

If you are searching for a volunteer opportunity, or would like to grow your nonprofit’s volunteer program, state associations of nonprofits as well as state service commissions are also great places to start. If you know someone who might be interested in volunteering with your nonprofit, ask them for personalized recommendations of other people in their network who might be a good fit. This is an effective way to get targeted recommendations and it doesn’t require much effort on your part.

You have to carefully plan and implement some effective strategies while carrying out the recruitment practice. Seek feedback from your current volunteers and work to optimize their experience with your program. This will strengthen your brand as an organization that accepts volunteers and will help you both recruit and retain great volunteers for the long term.

In a sector where we usually have more work to do than we have staff to do it, volunteers boost our power, lighten the load, and exponentially increase our impact. Best of all, they do it because they believe in the cause and want to help. The first step to effective nonprofit volunteer management is volunteer recruitment. One of the ways to achieve this is to create an environment where volunteers can easily develop personal, emotional, and professional connections. In your onboarding process, resources allowing, include activities that will cultivate such connections among volunteers and between volunteers and staff.

  1. You should also have staff on hand who can answer questions about volunteering opportunities.
  2. You may be able to speak to them about volunteering, or put your ad in their newsletters.
  3. Social media is a powerful and cost-effective way to reach a broader audience.
  4. If you’re aiming to attract mostly young volunteers, for example, when promoting the role you could focus more on the personal and professional development opportunities they’ll benefit from.

When recruiting volunteers, there are certain things that community members consider when deciding if they want to join your organization’s mission or not. Another way to recruit volunteers is to reach out to local businesses and ask if they would be interested in sponsoring a volunteer day or donating supplies for a project. This is a great way to get businesses involved in your community outreach efforts while also providing them with some good publicity. When you reach out to businesses, be sure to explain how their donation will benefit your nonprofit and the community.

What is Volunteer Recruitment?

Present a need or idea to them and watch the creativity and connection grow. They know how to galvanize quickly and they have a list of volunteers already on hand. Implementing the volunteer retention and recruitment strategies discussed here will help you make the most of the valuable gift of their time.

Optimize your current volunteers’ experience.

It’s imperative to know your target audience in order to choose the right ones. In this article, we demystify the process of attracting the right volunteers for your nonprofit organization. Most importantly, volunteers should understand how they will help your nonprofit advance its mission. It’s also easier to “persuade” people who already know you in one way or another than it is for those who don’t. Maybe the volunteers you’re looking for have been right under your nose the whole time.

Plan the promotion campaign

Nonprofits of all shapes and sizes rely on volunteers to continue fulfilling their mission day after day. Whether they’re helping shelter animals find their forever homes or setting up fundraising events, volunteers provide their time and skills to amplify your organization’s impact. Volunteer recruitment is the process of recruiting the best candidates for volunteer work in your nonprofit organization. He is also an expert in sourcing, retaining, and onboarding good volunteers at non-profit organizations. Volunteers play a pivotal role in the success and sustainability of nonprofit organizations, and implementing effective strategies is crucial to attract and maintain a dedicated and passionate volunteer base.

As well as specific jobs, point to the specific skills that qualified volunteers need to do the job. If you’re willing to teach someone how to do something, make sure you mention it. Otherwise, interested volunteers may remove themselves from the running if they don’t know how to do the tasks you describe. Likewise, if you need special experience or have certain requirements for the ideal volunteer, make that clear. It’s important to be intentional about who you’re communicating with and how you do it when recruiting volunteers. Whether you send an email campaign or make personal phone calls will depend on each individual’s past level of involvement with your organization.

Civic groups are a wonderful resource for recruiting volunteers because they’re sincerely invested in making your community a better place. Plus, they know the challenges facing your community and can help you connect with others to solve problems and spread your mission in your local area. As you talk to former volunteers, they may not have the time in their work or family schedule to engage again with your nonprofit.

In its latest Value of Volunteer Time report, Independent Sector estimates that each U.S. volunteer’s hour is worth $31.80. To secure such valuable support for your nonprofit, however, you’ll need a clear strategy for how to recruit volunteers. You can choose your questions from our article on non-profit survey questions or create them based on your own needs. You also have the option to utilize or modify how to recruit volunteers for a non profit organization the questions provided in the volunteer form template. Volunteer recruitment is the recruitment of volunteers by non-profit organizations to help carry out various projects and activities. A non-profit organization is a legally established entity that functions for the common good, public welfare, or social benefit, unlike a business entity whose primary goal is profit generation for its owners.

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But many organizations struggle to find those rockstar volunteers – and those that find them struggle to keep them. In this article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about volunteer recruitment and retention so you can build the best volunteer program possible. Volunteer participation and motivation is always an integral part of our nonprofit’s success. This is precisely why, as leaders in our organizations, we should always be building a pipeline of good quality volunteers to help push our efforts forward.

However, they may be willing to be a resource for prospective volunteers to ask questions and help them gauge whether volunteering with your organization is right for them. However, to know the true value of volunteers to your unique organization, you should work with your team to identify how they’ve helped your nonprofit power its programs and services in the past. Your organization needs a solid plan for finding and holding onto dedicated volunteers. Just as your nonprofit’s donors have varying preferences and connections to your cause, your volunteers will have their own strengths and interests. Therefore, be sure to provide a variety of opportunities that will appeal to everyone interested in volunteering with your organization.

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