Could AI-Generated Porn Help Protect Children?

Scams, deepfake porn and romance bots: advanced AI is exciting, but incredibly dangerous in criminals’ hands

The images include everything from hentai, to computer-generated celebrity nudes, to naked images of people who don’t really exist. Some of the results almost look convincing, while other results are horrific, generating impossible bodies with errant limbs and Yakov Livshits distorted faces. Politicians, for example, have continuously been used in deepfake generators. Not only has there been an increase in fake images, but there have also been instances where deepfake videos of politicians have been convincing enough to seem real.

  • “Child porn pours gas on a fire,” said Anna Salter, a psychologist who specializes in the profiles of high-risk offenders.
  • “I think, especially with these generative AI frameworks right now, it will become so easy to generate 3-D objects.
  • The technology will progress faster than our ability to grapple with the implications.
  • Its intuitive design, user-friendly interface, and active community make it a valuable resource for creators of all levels.
  • Romantic relationships between humans will become rare – first among the desperately lonely and young, but then among other groups (just as we’ve seen with online dating).

People will have their haptic devices and VR headsets, and the heights of their sexual experiences will be relegated chiefly to the VR format alone. Even the compelling and emotional components of a sexual experience – like loving dialogue and eye contact that conveys passion or caring – will be conjured forth. All of this will begin with shorter “clip”-like videos, but it won’t be long until AI can generate longer, seamless videos that will take us one Yakov Livshits step further into immersion. “Seems like the model knows how to do naked people better than clothed from what i have seen,” one person in the Unstable Diffusion Discord wrote. While there are concerns about the ethical use of generative AI for some use cases, governments and tech leaders are coming together to address these issues. Nonetheless, if you want access to the Pro mode features, you’ll need to pay around $10 per month for unfettered access.

What is UberRealistic Dreamy PFG Porn?

Despite boasting a large number of features, it’s simple to use, fast, and the results are pretty spectacular, as well as generally highly accurate. It’s certainly the best AI porn generator I’ve used (and I’ve thoroughly tested them all), and has all the premium features you could want Yakov Livshits at this time – including the ability to edit your creations through further text prompts . You can generate up to 3 images per day for free, but they are blurred, and you need to pay for the premium membership in order to unblur them – as well as to gain all the other benefits.

People live longer and don’t have enough children to sustain their numbers. This places massive economic strains on the working population to support the retired populations (as seen in Japan), forcing governments to try various incentive schemes to increase birth rates. Doing so might involve banning certain kinds of material – particularly for minors. It may involve the active cultivation of businesses and organizations that keep the attention of young people on productive means. Relatively young people who have human partners will seem Amish-like and backward. You’ll wonder why they sap their productivity and joy so much with a complex, selfish human partner rather than an eternally loyal, hyper-customizable, infinitely wise, desirable and supportive AI partner.

What AI models are doing about deepfake porn

Eventually we’ll be watching generated personalities on twitch playing video games, and then we’ll know the end is nigh. While GPT-3 can generate text that may seem human-like in many cases, it is not specifically designed or optimized to pass the Turing Test. Evaluating the full range of human-like conversational abilities and passing the Turing Test requires meeting stringent criteria that go beyond text generation capabilities.

We also need to be more cautious as a society about believing what we see online, and remember that humans are traditionally bad at being able to detect fraud. The Australian government should use the upcoming Privacy Act review to get ahead of potential threats from generative AI to our online identities. Meanwhile, New Zealand’s Privacy, Human Rights and Ethics Framework is a positive step. There may be no limit to what they can be asked to do, and criminals will likely figure out workarounds for any rules intended to prevent their illegal use. Governments need to work closely with the cybersecurity industry to regulate generative AI without stifling innovation, such as by requiring ethical considerations for AI programs. Generative AI could also allow cybercriminals to more selectively target vulnerable people.

Yakov Livshits
Founder of the DevEducation project
A prolific businessman and investor, and the founder of several large companies in Israel, the USA and the UAE, Yakov’s corporation comprises over 2,000 employees all over the world. He graduated from the University of Oxford in the UK and Technion in Israel, before moving on to study complex systems science at NECSI in the USA. Yakov has a Masters in Software Development.

Self-attention allows a model to “look back” or “look elsewhere” in the data to figure out what to do in its current location. For example, when translating French to Chinese, to choose the next Chinese word to output, it can look back at all the different input French words to help decide. One logical solution to this (which worked elsewhere like in text translation and image understanding) is self-attention, a method proposed by Ian Goodfellow et al for use in GANs. “Supervised” learning means that answer you want to get from the network is in the dataset (e.g. as labels). You enter an input, ask the network to transform it into an output, then compare that output to your expected value, the ground truth. Any discrepancy is a “loss” and the network’s parameters are updated to minimize that loss.

It turns out these GANs are conditioned on the training images’ labels. That is, each image of a mushroom is labelled as such, and the GAN is told “generate an image of a mushroom” and then the discriminator is asked to compare a real mushroom image to the generated mushroom image. Whilst many only had tens or hundreds of images, I finally found one with two hundred thousand. It contained photographs of women, almost entirely alone, in around twenty different poses.

Last year, I resigned as head of the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board, a policy-coordination body that the Biden administration let founder amid criticism mostly from the right. In subsequent months, at least three artificially generated videos that appear to show me engaging in sex acts were uploaded to websites specializing in deepfake porn. The images don’t look much like me; the generative-AI models that spat them out seem to have been trained on my official U.S. government portrait, taken when I was six months pregnant. Whoever created the videos likely used a free “face swap” tool, essentially pasting my photo onto an existing porn video. In some moments, the original performer’s mouth is visible while the deepfake Frankenstein moves and my face flickers.

ai generative porn

If you do choose to pay (details below), you shouldn’t ever see that message again – we certainly didn’t in our own Premium testing. Each initial generation took around 30 seconds or less, and upscaling an image only takes around 5-10 seconds. is one of the more recent entrants to this list, having only launched in April 2023. It takes the same ‘select filters with some characteristics’ approach that many of the others in this list, but also adds to it some other extra options. While the whole category of AI porn is fairly new, SoulGen is one of the newer services on this list, explaining why it’s one of the most polished and easiest to use. If you want absolutely all of the features available (and unlimited ‘Casual’ generations).

Deepfake porn generators

We should expect that any such applications run by adult industry enterprises will have limitations on the kind of content generated (banning violence or images involving children, etc.). At the time of writing this article (a dangerous thing to say in an industry moving so fast), AI-generated images are still prone to errors. Clothing doesn’t look right on the skin; some backgrounds are unrealistic, etc. It seems evident that, pretty soon, anyone with a cell phone will be one text prompt away from any adult image they want to see.

Could AI-Generated Porn Help Protect Children? – WIRED

Could AI-Generated Porn Help Protect Children?.

Posted: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The Turing Test, proposed by Alan Turing, involves a human judge engaging in conversations with a machine and a human, without knowing which is which. If the judge cannot consistently distinguish the machine from the human based on their responses, the machine is said to have passed the Turing Test. In any case, “a group of 19 neuroscientists, philosophers and computer scientists have come up with a checklist of criteria that, if met, would indicate that a system has a high chance of being conscious,” reported Nature. Their list includes defining and testing for consciousness using a variety of theoretical approaches that, quite frankly, are beyond my ken. They say their framework is far from complete and that they’re hoping to work with other researchers to refine it. She told the news organization that victims’ best hope for justice is for tech companies to “grow a conscience.”

The generator’s user-friendly interface allows users to upload images easily and customize them as needed. Its intuitive design ensures users can quickly navigate the platform and efficiently generate content. One of the most interesting and unique AI porn tools on this list, and one that combines both deepfake porn and AI porn generation, in an entirely legitimate way.

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